As Americans we are divided

Many of us have been wandering around this week in a post election haze. Some have been protesting on the streets of San Francisco, and others think they’ve found a president that will hear their voices.  However you voted, there’s strong opinions about the other party.  Half of democrats (55%) say that the Republican Party makes them afraid and (49%) of Republicans say the same about the Democratic Party. The map of red and blue states is how we see ourselves.

The two-party system is a couple that fights A LOT

Ok, this may be stretching the metaphor.  But the truth is that when two people come in and have with fear, disgust and anger for the other, there is usually a way forward.   Applying this is a larger conversation, but suffice to say it, applying the psychological framework gave me a spark of hope.  Our differences have divided us, but perhaps they don’t have to.

What patriotism really is

This video from the love has no labels website.  It defines patriotism as accepting diversity and examining bias.  A header on their website inspires “Before Anything Else We are Human.