I don’t know what happened to me over the holidays!

Holidays are notorious for family and food. And New Year’s resolutions often include getting into shape or cleansing.  The movie trailer from Embrace reminds how the intense pressure about looking a certain way can harm.

What is health really?  

Yes our bodies are so important, we need to take care of what we are given to the best of our ability. But what about our minds?  If we take care of our bodies but not our attitude where does that leave us?  Is a diet caring? It can be, but it can also be based in self-loathing.  

Judgment dieting  

The mindsets we have are even more important than what we actually do.  No lifestyle change will last long if the psychological underpinnings are based in shame.  So pay attention to what’s going on inside your head as you start on your new year’s resolutions.