I go to couples therapy too, and contrary to my husband’s belief that as a therapist going to therapy is like candy for me (yum yum?), it can feel excruciating. Do I believe in therapy? – Yes! Do I love being a couples therapist? –  Yes!  I couldn’t ask for a better job. Do my husband and I need therapy sometimes? – Sometimes we do.  But do I LOVE being a client? Oh no, not always.  It’s so hard to reveal our stuck and painful places, and it can feel like the worst.  Yet, as we work through it, I love the moments of clarity and strengthening of our commitment.  Most of all, I love the resulting closeness. When we are driving home after a session my husband will reach over and take my hand, and I know in my bones, that no matter what comes up WE are invincible.  And then it all seems worthwhile.
